Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity. ~ Margaret D. Nadald

Our Father also gifted us with the nature to nurture, keen sensitivity to the Spirit, selflessness, discernment, and heroic faith. No wonder our Father placed us at the heart of the family and thus at the center of the plan of salvation. We are the Lord's secret weapon. ~ Sheri Dew

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25 July 2011

Getting Ambitious... Advice Gladly Accepted :-)

So...... Sewing.

I have an interesting relationship with sewing. I like doing it by hand, but it's a bit slow and hard to fathom keeping up when you have multiple children and a husband who are anxiously awaiting a project to be finished. Why do I like to sew by hand?? Well, remember when I wrote a post about being a bit OCD?...... Yah, I find that I get a but too frustrated when I sew with a machine because the lines aren't straight enough. Yep, it's okay, go ahead and add crazy person to this line here ______. Add to that the occasional to sometimes frequent tension issues I end up having, again things aren't 'perfect,' and projects tend to sit around a bit waiting to be finished! Which I know then makes you wonder why I don't just work on it by hand and at least get something done. Umm.... Cause I'm special? :-D

I have had some success over the years here and there. I do enjoy making quilts and LOVE that rag quilts hide the issues that I have with my machine (or any machine for that matter... I have used more than one and find the same problem. Therefore, the problem is me! Lol!) But I need to branch out and make this weakness a strength. So, how does one get better at something? They have to do it! Therefore, this week will see my sewing machine getting use that I haven't given in a bit. Am I terrified? Well, to put it mildly, yes :-). The commitment of cutting something out and running it under the needle brings a bit of anxiety to me. Hopefully time and a good amount of successful projects behind me will help me chill out.... And hopefully not be another 6 years in the making! (That'd be how long I've had a machine).

Oh.... And you Mother's that do know how to sew..... First..... Please, please, please! Teach all your chilren how to do it! I have serious issues with a lot of the baby boomer generation for not passing down a lot of these skills. Hence why I went searching for some motherly advice and found the gem of Homestead Blessings DvD's almost 3 years ago now.

And second.... To all those who sew.... Feel free to share tips, blogs posts, links to your favorite projects, anything! Handholding is readily accepted :-).

And onto my project list:

-Modest skirts/dresses for my daughter
-Finish aprons for children and myself (everything has been ready for months.... Just need to put the stitches in... And trying not to freak out!)
-Make a memory t-shirt quilt for my husband
-5 sets of pajama pants for the children for Christmas (needing to finish these before baby arrives near Thanksgiving.... Hopefully sooner than later just in case I have to undo the stitching several times!)
-Maybe rag-quilts for the boys for Christmas

And perhaps you can help..... My daughter already has a rag quilt (I made it before baby number 4 came since we knew she wasn't going to have a sister anytime soon. So, why not a consolation pink quilt?! She loves it. Pretty sure she'd love a sister some day, but we'll have to see about that! All else fails she'll certainly have a few sister-in-law's down the road :-D). Anyway, what to make for her?? She'll be a little over 5. We try not to buy gifts for Christmas for the children, so clever things they'll enjoy that we can make are always being sought after around our place.

Please share your thoughts!


Our Peculiar Lives said...

Fun! I love sewing! That's amazing that you can do all that by hand! ;) My only suggestion would be to see if you have a local sewing store, many times they have sewing classes and they may have some tips for you on getting those seams straight. I have the opposite problem - my hand sewn seams go all over the place and my machine ones aren't bad!

Anonymous said...

Love that you're sewing!!! Here's a link for a super easy modest skirt made out of a t-shirt! You probably remember it from my blog when we made one for Annabelle. But also on this lady's tutorial, she shows the most AWESOME way to gather! I'll never go back to the old stay-stitch way of gathering again! It's about half-way down her page. She's a friend of my sister, Megan's. Good luck!


Tracy N. Jorgensen said...

A walking foot could also help you with those lines. My sister made scarves for all her relatives, and they're pretty darn cute. The girls got a fabric flower on theirs to add a little oomph. Fabric flowers go well on lots of things for little girls. Hairbands, hats, skirts, dresses, shirts, scarves. You could get down right ridiculous. Especially good if you have a lot of scraps.

Erika@RaisingLeafs said...

Following from the Crew! http://raisingleafs.blogspot.com/

Milk and Honey Mommy said...
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Milk and Honey Mommy said...


I think we're all allowed “little OCDs” (I have a few). I think it is actually great you prefer stitching by hand because that takes a lot of patience (which is good for other areas in your life) and when it comes to quilts, I would rather receive one that was hand stitched than sewn using a machine.

I agree w/you about teaching children to sew. I started last year and all three of mine enjoyed it. We are going to pick up the "lost art" again this school year.

I will suggest that you get moving on using a sewing machine. It will open up a realm of possibilities (because it is a timer saver and you can do so many cute and unique things) of things you can make. Think of it like running outdoors vs. running on a treadmill.

Paula said...

Make sure you have good quality sharp needles. And more than one. If you sew through bulky layers, those needles like to break at the worst moments.
Also, don't use old or cheap thread. Good quality thread will go a long way to ensuring your sewing experience is more pleasant. Really. Old or cheap thread gums up the machine and just doesn't flow well.
If you have an old machine and have never had it serviced, I would spend the money to have it done. Mine is as old as me and I thought on its last leg until I had it serviced. Works like a beauty now.
Your hand stitching skills will come in handy on the machine - many times a basting stitch makes a world of difference.


Dad24treasures said...

I look forward to seeing your sewing projects! I, too, would like to do more sewing, and teach my children more about it, too. (Well, learn WITH them ;)

Jennifer said...

Wow! Yet another Mom sharing about making pj pants. Why does sewing pants scare me? I know my kids love whatever I make so I just need to try it. I do very little hand stitching, but my 7 year old son recently shared an interest to learn while my daughters and I were sewing, so together we are making a very simple bag.

Heather said...

I was talking to someone about a t-shirt quilt and they recommended adhering the t-shirt fabric to-(I think it's called) fusible- to help keep the knit fabric from moving all over the place by giving it a sturdier backing. Then it would be easier to manage sewing since the t-shirt's stretch would be contained by the fusible stuff.

I don't know if it really works since I haven't tried it or looked into it further, but I thought it would be good food for thought.

Good luck!

Brown Ohana said...

I know someone suggested a tote, I made Cassandra a scripture tote last year that she absolutely loved. I'm not much for sewing but it was easy and I loved the results, if you want I can send you the instructions with the pattern. I did post a picture on my blog. Also, i thought bean bags were a great idea for Christmas presents. I've been wanting to make them for my kids & I might tackle it this year, but it's just hard to do stuff like that because being in Hawaii is like being in a foreign country, you're very limited on what you can find on island. Anyway, here's a tutorial for the child bean bags: http://www.michaelmillerfabrics.com/Blog/bean_bag_chair.pdf
She's got several other fun tutorials on there, too! Happy sewing!

Dawn Chandler said...

I am still a beginning sew-er as well (not even good enough to call myself a seamstress!!) I've mainly been making simple curtains and pillowcases. I have a huge stash of items to repurposed and I am getting ready to start working on Christmas gifts. How about a crayon roll for your niece? Or an apron? Love the bean bag ideas!!

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